The Discontinuation of Our Active Pages, and the Substitutes

It is with great regret that the discontinuation of our “active pages” is announced. By “active pages” we mean the software that was designed for use in a web browser. With the migration of the “vulcanhammer” family of sites it is not possible to host these here, and changes in the hosting service have made them there impossible without serious revisions to the code and sites. This is something that has been “in the works” for a long time but recent events have accelerated the need to get this done.

There are some substitutes available and these are described below.

Wave Equation and Pile CAPACITY PROGRAMS

The end of the TAMWAVE program is regrettable but one which is not without alternatives. These are as follows:

Mohr’s Circle Software

Things have reached the point where such matrices can be solved using MATLAB or other similar software, so there is no substitute given.

Fixed End Method for Analysis of Anchored Sheet Pile Walls using the Elastic Line Method

One of the most popular technical reports that has come out from this site, unfortunately there is no plan to reconstruct the routine on any platform. The documentation for this can be found at the page Anchored Sheet Pile Wall Analysis Using Fixed End Method Without Estimation of Point of Contraflexure.

Java and PHP Scripts

We hosted these scripts, you can download them and put them on your site:

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